How to Build an Internal Developer Platform? (Part I)

Reflections on the journey of building as a team an internal development platform, an innovative solution that allows development teams to optimize workflows, streamline resource management, and enhance productivity and thus optimize some metrics. This article is a first approach, which in this first part demystifies its components, benefits, and best practices.

Understanding Internal Development Platforms

Internal Development Platforms (hereafter referred to as IDPs) have become a transformative force. They act as a bridge between developers, infrastructure, and tools, facilitating the entire software development lifecycle. An IDP is not just a set of tools, but a comprehensive platform designed to optimize workflows, enhance collaboration, accelerate software delivery, and increase business value.


Essentially, an IDP provides developers with a centralized platform to build, deploy, and manage applications. It offers a unified interface for tasks such as code version control, continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), container orchestration, and resource management. This integration of essential tools into a single platform eliminates the need for developers to switch between different tools and interfaces, significantly increasing their productivity.

The Importance of Internal Development Platforms (Organizational Level)

Internal development platforms have gained significant importance within organizations in the context of modern software development for several compelling reasons:

  1. Efficiency: Development teams can work more efficiently. They can focus on writing code and delivering features instead of dealing with the complexities of infrastructure management.
  2. Optimized Workflows: IDPs streamline development workflows by providing a standardized and automated way to build, test, and deploy applications. This consistency ensures that applications move smoothly from development to production environments.
  3. Resource Management: Allocation and optimization of resources are critical in the world of cloud-native applications. IDPs help organizations efficiently allocate resources, avoiding over-provisioning and unnecessary costs.
  4. Scalability: Modern applications need to scale quickly to meet user demands. IDPs, often built on container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, enable automatic scaling to handle increased workloads without manual intervention.
  5. Collaboration: Collaboration among development, operations, and quality control teams is paramount. Internal development platforms facilitate this collaboration by providing a shared platform and tools for communication and coordination.

Scalability is a critically important aspect (which I will delve into in the second part) but for now, I will say that: In complex industries such as retail and e-commerce, which are incorporating the concept of composable commerce in the medium term, scalability becomes even more critical. With the growing complexity of software architectures and the diversification of digital services, the ability to quickly scale applications becomes a determining factor in maintaining customer satisfaction and market competitiveness. Internal Developer Platforms (IDP), especially those built on container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, play a crucial role by enabling automatic scaling of resources as needed. This means that the organization can handle sudden traffic spikes and increased workloads without manual intervention, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted user experience, while optimizing operational costs and maximizing development efficiency. In the context of composable commerce, where adaptability and agility are essential for quickly integrating and deploying new services and functionalities, the scalability provided by IDPs becomes a fundamental enabler for business success and value.

Benefits of Using Internal Development Platforms

The adoption of IDPs can generate a multitude of advantages for development teams and organizations:

Beneficios de utilizar plataformas de desarrollo internas

La adopción de IDP’s puede generar una multitud de ventajas para los equipos y organizaciones de desarrollo:

  1. Developer Productivity Processes: IDPs streamline workflows, allowing developers to focus on writing code instead of managing infrastructure. This increased productivity translates into faster feature delivery.
  2. Accelerated Workflows: Automation and integration within IDPs significantly speed up development and deployment workflows. Developers can commit code confidently, knowing that automated testing and deployments are in place.
  3. Resource Efficiency: IDPs promote resource efficiency by automating the allocation and scaling of resources. Organizations can optimize cloud spending by using only the resources they need.
  4. Consistency: IDPs enforce best practices and consistency across all development environments. This consistency ensures that applications behave predictably in different environments, reducing the chances of issues in production settings.
  5. Enhanced Collaboration: IDPs foster collaboration among cross-functional teams. Developers, operators, and quality assurance teams can work together seamlessly within the same platform. In complex organizations that work in silos, this aspect can significantly improve collaboration.

This is all we will cover in Part I. In Part II, I will explore some dos and don’ts, in my opinion, when creating an internal development platform.

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Álvaro Javier Santana González

I write about: IA / User-Centered Design / Technology / Digital transformation / Fintech / and "otras yerbas" 🧉. Follow me!